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Climate change adaptation will cost Tanzania 44trn/-


The government is set to spend USD19.2 billion (over 44trn/-) to implement a national action plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate impacts

Dr. Selemani Jafo, Minister of State in the Vice President’s Office (Union and Environment), told a meeting of environmental stakeholders in Arusha yesterday that the amount in addressing the nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
According to a statement issued by the Vice President’s Office, the four-day meeting discussed Tanzania’s strategies for increasing its ability to obtain funds to address climate change.
Minister Jafo stated that the government is preparing the National Environmental Policy for 2021, the National Strategic Plan to Address Climate Change 2021, the National Master Plan for Conservation and Environmental Management (2022-2023), and carbon trading guidelines and regulations.

“Tanzania has also implemented various projects to withstand the effects of climate change, including the construction of seawalls on the Mtwara and Zanzibar islands, as well as other projects in agriculture, livestock, fishery, energy, forestry, industry, information technology, and institutional capacity building,” Dr. Hot emphasized.

Dr. Omar Dadi Shajak, Permanent Secretary in the First Vice President’s Office, stated that for Zanzibar, this working session will also set strategies for obtaining funds that will be used on both sides of the union. Climate change, he claims, is affecting Zanzibar by raising sea levels and causing soil erosion in coastal areas.

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