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Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulation in Canada: Enforcement & Effectiveness

Regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a key component of Canada’s strategy to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. While carbon dioxide receives significant media attention, methane actually has 80 times more warming power within the first 20 years of entering the atmosphere. Therefore, targeting methane is crucial for Canada to meet its emissions reduction goals.

Canada has taken steps to address methane emissions, such as signing the Global Methane Pledge and setting reduction targets for the oil and gas sector. However, a recent study conducted by researchers at St. Francis Xavier University highlights the importance of not only creating regulations, but also enforcing them.

In 2020, new methane regulations were implemented in British Columbia’s oil and gas sector, requiring periodic leak detection and repair (LDAR) surveys to reduce unintentional methane emissions. However, the study revealed that in the first year of regulation, only 62 percent compliance was observed among oil and gas companies in B.C. This falls short of the assumed 100 percent compliance needed to achieve the desired emissions reduction outcomes.

While compliance may have been influenced by the pandemic, it is evident that more needs to be done to enforce regulations and ensure meaningful emission reductions from all producers. Compared to places like New Mexico, where fines were promptly issued to oil and gas producers for failing to report methane emissions, Canada should consider implementing stronger enforcement mechanisms, such as stricter permit renewal processes, varied royalty rates, or development restrictions.

In addition to enhancing enforcement mechanisms, Canada can also benefit from fostering collaboration between industry stakeholders, government agencies, and environmental organizations to create a more effective regulatory framework. Engaging all relevant parties in the development and implementation of regulations can improve compliance rates and ensure a more holistic approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Furthermore, investing in advanced technologies and monitoring systems can bolster the ability to detect and address methane leaks promptly. Utilizing satellite-based monitoring, aerial surveys, and continuous monitoring technologies can provide real-time data on emissions, allowing for swift response to potential leaks and improving overall accountability.

Education and awareness campaigns can also play a crucial role in promoting compliance. By raising awareness about the impact of methane emissions on climate change and emphasizing the importance of regulatory compliance, the public, industry, and policymakers can develop a shared sense of responsibility and commitment to reducing emissions.

Canada can also explore the possibility of implementing market-based mechanisms to incentivize emissions reductions. For instance, a cap-and-trade system or a carbon pricing mechanism can create financial incentives for companies to invest in emission reduction technologies and practices. This approach can not only drive compliance but also stimulate innovation in the development of cleaner technologies within the industry.

Additionally, fostering research and development initiatives to identify and deploy best practices for methane emission reduction can be instrumental in achieving compliance targets. Encouraging collaboration between academia, industry, and government can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise, leading to more effective and practical solutions.

International cooperation should not be overlooked either. As methane emissions have a global impact, partnering with other countries and sharing best practices can accelerate progress in reducing methane emissions globally and contribute to a more sustainable future.

By combining robust regulations, effective enforcement, technological advancements, public awareness, market-based incentives, research, and international collaboration, Canada can bolster its efforts to combat climate change and achieve its net-zero emissions target. The challenges may be substantial, but the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and safeguard the planet for future generations makes these efforts imperative.

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