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Successful Completion of the Workshop on Developing NDC – MRV System for Increased Transparency and Climate Action Monitoring in Tanzania

Day 5 of the Developing NDC – MRV system workshop for increased transparency and climate action monitoring in Tanzania was held on 31st March 2023. The day started with a recap of the previous day’s activities, highlighting the presentations and discussions on the gaps and proposed recommendations of MRV for NDCs in Tanzania from the Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sector and the Waste sector.

After the recap, the participants went into a break-up session to identify gaps and proposed recommendations for enhanced coordination of MRV for NDCs in Tanzania. This was a crucial part of the workshop as it aimed to address any outstanding issues and ensure that the MRV system for NDCs in Tanzania is effective and meets international standards.

The participants also continued their discussions on a framework for enhanced coordination and synergy on MRV work in Tanzania. This involved identifying key stakeholders and mechanisms for coordination, as well as outlining the policy, legal, and institutional frameworks necessary for the development and implementation of the MRV system.

The final activity of the day was a discussion on the way forward for a framework for enhanced coordination and synergy. The participants shared their insights and recommendations on how to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of the MRV system for NDCs in Tanzania.

The workshop was a success as it brought together stakeholders from different sectors and provided a platform for them to collaborate and develop a comprehensive MRV system for NDCs in Tanzania. The participants were motivated to give their best to ensure that the system meets international standards and contributes to the country’s efforts to combat climate change.

In conclusion, the workshop was a significant step towards achieving Tanzania’s climate action goals, and it is expected that the MRV system developed will enhance transparency and monitoring of climate actions, leading to more effective mitigation and adaptation measures.

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