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GHG Members Meet to Develop NDC-Based MRV System for Climate Action Monitoring in Tanzania

From March 27th to 31st, 2023, members of the GHG project, including government and non-governmental representatives, gathered at the Sokoine University of Agriculture’s National Carbon Monitoring Centre for a workshop. The workshop focused on developing a National Determined Contributions (NDC)-based MRV (Measurable, Reportable, and Verifiable) system for increased transparency and monitoring of climate action in Tanzania.

Professor Eliakimu Zahabu, the Coordinator of the National Carbon Monitoring Centre, gave a welcoming address and outlined the workshop’s objectives and plan of work. He urged all members to participate fully to produce an effective MRV system for the nation’s benefit.

Dr. Freddy Manyika, from the Vice President’s Office (Environment Division), was one of the main speakers on the first day. He provided an overview of Tanzania’s NDC and the NDC requirements. He also walked members through various adaptation and mitigation activities.

Members actively engaged with Dr. Manyika, asking questions and seeking clarification on various issues. The workshop continued with breakout sessions and plenary discussions aimed at developing an NDC-based MRV system that accurately captures Tanzania’s progress in achieving its climate goals.

The workshop is expected to continue until Friday, March 31st, 2023. Participants are looking forward to the workshop outcomes, which will contribute to increasing transparency and monitoring of climate action in Tanzania.

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