Hon. Tone Tinnes – Ambassador of Norway pays a visit to SUA

Ambassador Hon. Tone Tinnes of Norway’s visit to Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) marked a significant milestone in the enduring partnership between Norway and SUA, which has flourished over more than five decades. Stepping onto the Edward Moringe Campus on April 22, 2024, Ambassador Tinnes embarked on a journey of collaboration and appreciation.

During her time at SUA, Ambassador Tinnes engaged deeply with the university’s leadership, including Vice Chancellor Prof. Raphael Chibunda, and various administrative personnel. Her visit wasn’t just about diplomatic formalities; it was about understanding the heartbeat of SUA, witnessing firsthand the transformative projects nurtured by Norwegian support.

As she traversed through SUA’s campus, Ambassador Tinnes encountered a tapestry of initiatives, each thread woven into the fabric of community development. These projects, backed by Norwegian investment, aren’t mere infrastructure; they are catalysts for change, empowering SUA students and staff to become agents of progress in their communities.

During the discussions and tours, Ambassador Tinnes expressed her admiration for SUA’s resilience in the face of climate challenges. She lauded the university’s emphasis on modern agricultural techniques, recognizing them as vital pillars for sustainable development in Tanzania and beyond.

Ambassador Tinnes didn’t just offer praise; she solidified Norway’s commitment to SUA’s future. Her pledge of continued support echoed through the halls of SUA, assuring stakeholders of a steadfast ally in their pursuit of excellence in agricultural education and innovation.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Chibunda, in turn, welcomed Ambassador Tinnes with gratitude, acknowledging her visit as a tangible outcome of the partnership agreement between SUA and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. This agreement, centered on agricultural adaptation and knowledge exchange, symbolizes a shared vision for a greener, more resilient future.

Among the notable stops during Ambassador Tinnes’s visit was the National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC), a beacon of Norway’s investment in SUA’s endeavors. As she immersed herself in the NCMC’s initiatives, Ambassador Tinnes witnessed the fruits of collaboration, where science and sustainability converge to shape a brighter tomorrow.

About National Carbon Monitoring Centre (NCMC)
The National Carbon Monitoring Centre is a vehicle for reporting on carbon stocks and their changes as well as coordinating the national MRV processes for the Government of Tanzania. The goal of the Centre is to enable Tanzania to actively participate and benefit from possible future international carbon trading mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The core services of the Centre are:

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