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Minister demands that climate change user projects be protected.

The government has made an appeal to communities that have benefited from climate change adaptation projects that have been implemented to protect them for the long term.
Dr Selemani Jafo, the Union and Environment state minister in the President’s Office, made this appeal in a statement yesterday, referring to projects under the World Bank-supervised ecosystem-based adaptation for rural resilience (EBARR).

He appealed to beneficiaries to take ownership of the projects, which included water wells, greenhouses, a cattle dip, and a sunflower oil extraction machine in Mpwapwa district, Dodoma region, so that they could benefit future generations.

EBARR is a $7.5 million (over 17 billion/-) project funded by the Global Environmental Facility’s (GEF) least developed countries fund that is currently being implemented in the districts of Mpwapwa, Simanjiro, Mvomero, and Kishapu, as well as the Zanzibar North A division.

The project is significant because there is water within one kilometer of each household and productive units are supplied with electricity, which includes water pumping at the well.

“This is a huge cost; so let’s take care of this project for the wider interests of all villages,” the statement underlined, asking water committees of Nghambi and Mbugani villages where he launched water wells to manage the project so that it is sustainable and is of great benefit to the people.

Another tank could be added in the future to further expand the facility, but for the time being, basic needs to assist people in combating the effects of climate change have been met, according to the minister.

He praised the efforts of Mpwapwa district leaders in effectively managing the projects, as they are critical in assisting individuals and groups in establishing economic activities.

He started a dip project in Kazania village to clean livestock and prevent ticks from attaching to them and causing diseases. Three well projects have been launched to provide clean water to over 5000 residents.

Similarly, the VPO unveiled nurseries where farming groups grow vegetables like tomatoes, as well as a sunflower milling machine project in Nghambi village. It will extract 6.5 tons per day and help people who earlier had to take the produce to Kongwa.

Mwanahami Ally, the district executive director, assured the people of the area that the project would be properly supervised so that it would be sustainable, as the council will collaborate with the Rural Water and Sanitation Agency (RUWASA) to increase water supply through the EBARR project-linked wells.

Many areas in the district face water shortages, so increased supply will allow people to grow vegetables through nurseries or at home for increased income.

The project, according to Mpwapwa MP George Malima, has solved the water problem in some villages.

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